Making it easy to load data into Chroma since 2023
pip install chroma_datasets
from chroma_datasets import StateOfTheUnion
from chroma_datasets import PaulGrahamEssay
from chroma_datasets import Glue
from chroma_datasets import SciPy
is generally backed by hugging face datasets, but it is not a requirement.
The following will:
import chromadb
from chroma_datasets import StateOfTheUnion
from chroma_datasets.utils import import_into_chroma
chroma_client = chromadb.Client()
collection = import_into_chroma(chroma_client=chroma_client, dataset=StateOfTheUnion)
result = collection.query(query_texts=["The United States of America"])
Learn about how to create and contribute a package at chroma-core/chroma_datasets.